
Played at the Sales Center courts. Contact Lynn Herman at 804-717-2046 for more information and a listing of members for play.

Sep.'21 Update:

  • Pickleball Group – Lynn Herman
    The pickleball group has been playing most of 2020 and 2021. We play every Saturday at the pickleball courts in the Highlands. During the summer our starting time is 9:00 am and we usually play for about an hour. On aver-age we have 6 players per week but at times we have 10 – capacity is 16+. Our skill levels vary including first time players so everyone is welcomed. We have two objectives - have fun and get some exercise. Send an email to Lynn Herman if you are interested (gjhlherman@gmail.com).

The "Nifty Fifties...Plus" is an independent organization not directly associated with the
Highlands Community Developers, the Highlands Community Association, or any other organization.

This web site is not part of the Highlands Community Association's web site.
This site is maintained by members of the Nifty Fifties...Plus group.  (© 2021)